My given name is Erika Lyn but many people call me Bonnie, I'll answer to either .. :)
My studio is called Gravel Road Jewelry. I live in a rural area and I love hearing the crunch of gravel when driving on old country roads, not to mention the scenery, so "Gravel Road Jewelry" just seemed to fit.
How long have you been creating jewelry and how did you start?
I began making beaded items about 12 years or so ago and I enjoy creating jewelry every bit as much now as I did then ... maybe even more!
Did your jewelry making evolve from another craft?
I've been crafting as long as I can remember, I can't imagine not doing it and I love to make things of all kinds. For me making wire jewelry evolved from crochet and beading ... once I found jewelry wire I was hooked!
What is your favorite material to use and why? Do you use other materials?
My favorite material is definitely sterling silver wire but I do use other wires (gold-fill, copper, brass, bronze) occasionally and I also create with metal clay.
I really enjoy making rings and pendants the most. The item in my studio that I would call my current favorite is a necklace and earring set I called "der Zigeuner" ( The Gypsy ) that has a beautiful hydro quartz drop and amethyst and amber accents.
What or who ( ie: other artists, nature etc. ) inspire you the most?
I find inspiration just about everywhere. It can be a word I hear, foods, names, colors, nature...the list goes on and on.
Tell us something interesting or unique about you or your shop that is not found in your shop profile.
Some things I do when not creating jewelry are vegetable gardening, painting, making wire baskets and bird feeders, bird watching, and crocheting. I also do a lot of canning and preserving foods like pickles, jellies, relishes and tomatoes to name a few.
What advice or tip would you give to other artists?
I'll also share one of my favorite quotes:
"Every artist was first an amateur." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where can you be found around the web?
I have always admired your work and am happy that my curiosity about your name has been satisfied lol!